Railway Transport Companies Guild


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Terms and conditions

1. Applicant for membership in the Association should be responsible for the matter of participation in the industry or profession of rail transport of goods and passengers or both and / or its related services, including international, domestic, combined, as owner or investor , Forwarder, tenant, operator, manufacturer or supplier of railway rolling stock accessories and equipment, are registered in the country

2.The applicant applicant must have a registration number from the law enforcement authorities and also have good reputation and financial resources.

3.It is imperative that at least one of the members of the board of directors or the managing director of the applicant company, as the case may be, has experience and experience in the field of rail transport or related services.

4.The applicant company must complete the application form submitted by the secretariat of the association and submit it to the secretariat of the Board, along with other required documents (statutes, official newspaper advertisements, latest amendments and other documents and documents(. .

۵.Upon acceptance of the membership in the Association, the company shall pay a receipt of the amount of 13,800,000 Rials received only for one time and also on the basis of the consent of the General Assembly ending 1395 and approved by the Board of Directors of the Guild of Companies of the Companies Railways and related services from 01/01/2013 have the ability to execute and are determined to act accordingly.

Membership Fee :

A) The membership fees of the fleet owner include: freight, passenger and locomotive, according to the number of fleets and its types, and taking into account the table below the monthly assumptions of Rs 5,175,000 and the maximum Rs. 24,840,000 And determined.
B) The membership fees of affiliated members of the Association which do not have a fleet of vehicles and are active in the field of forwarding, guidance or affiliated services. The monthly amount of Rs 3,105,000 .
C) No honorary members receive any funds.

Table of assumptions

Fleet type Fleet Type Factor Fixed base rate to Rial
Edge carriage flat, carriage, carriage 5 1656
Wagon Wagon 7 1656
4-axis longitudinal wagon 10 1656
axis longitudinal wagon-6 20 1656
Passenger wagon, generator, restaurant 80 1656
Locomotive 200 1656

How to calculate members’ monthly membership fee:

Base rate × relevant factor × fleet number = membership fee


1.The minimum monthly subscription fee for the fleet owners is 5,175,000 Rials.

2.The maximum monthly subscription fee for the fleet owners is 24,840,000 Rials.

Note 1)If a company’s membership is accepted in the first 6 months of the year, its membership fee is one year and if it is accepted for membership in the second 6 months of the year, its membership fee will be paid to the 6th month of the second year and will be received simultaneously.

3. The presence and participation of the members in the General Assembly, etc. The Commission. Committee and Meetings that by the Association shall. is indispensable.
4. Members, while cooperating and cooperating with the association, must comply with the provisions of the Articles of Association and the approvals of its bodies.
5. In addition, the cost of issuing annual operating licenses for the main member companies (owner of the fleet) is 20,700,000 Rials and for Affiliated companies (Managing, Forwarding, Affiliate Services) is Rs. 10,350,000 .

Note 2)Any member who lacks the terms of membership in the association is deprived of membership but is required to fulfill its previous obligations.